About Us

Since 1999, Gunning Focus Group (GFG) has been delighting music lovers by bringing affordable, enjoyable and top-quality, mainly classical music to the district.  We host five to eight live concerts a year. Many of these are in the Courtroom, Gunning’s recently upgraded superb chamber music venue.  Others are in our shire hall, which is being refurbished to become a great performance space that accommodates larger ensembles.

Locals can enjoy performances by leading national opera-house standard musicians like the Acacia Quartet and Ensemble Offspring.  We also host new and emerging performers and gifted amateur ensembles like the excellent Canberra-based Musica da Camera String Orchestra.  In addition, we organise at least one open mic/amateur fun concert each year at which new performers and students can gain confidence and exposure, playing before a supportive audience.

Joining us as a member for as little as $10 pa is an excellent investment.  This means you will benefit from our special member prices and help us advance music and the arts in our district. Please see our  Membership Page for details on how to sign up.

We return net box office proceeds to performers so we can reimburse musicians adequately and keep prices affordable in our small venues.

GFG is a not-for-profit community association and a registered charity.  Our income comes from membership subscriptions plus generous donations, both large and small, we receive from time to time. For example, Gunning’s superb new grand piano was made possible by two unsought contributions totalling $11,000, adding to a NSW Government Creative Capital grant for the Courtroom project.  We also benefit from and greatly appreciate donations, both large and small, generously offered to us from time to time. 

Donations to GFG’s Gunning District Music and Arts Fund are tax deductible. Intending donors should:

  • make cheques payable to Gunning District Music and Arts Fund; or
  • if donating by EFT, direct it to;

        * Gunning District Music and Arts Fund

         BSB: 082-624

         Acc: 370787832

GFG manages this fund with the assistance of a special sub-committee to ensure we use it to the best effect for the betterment of music and the arts in our district.  We appreciate the help of our sub-committee members; Pastor Ellen Manwaring, Deputy Mayor Mandy McDonald, Mr John Shaw OAM (former Mayor of the Upper Lachlan and Gunning Shire) and Ms Margaret Dougall (GFG Vice-President who chairs this group).